Lending Library

A lending library has been created for our use! You will find in the 3 cabinets
at the back of the church, books and cds for your enjoyment and spiritual growth!

A master list of what is available can be found in a binder located inside the
cabinet closest to the handicap lift. You may also click on the lists below at home.

Once you choose what you would like to borrow, 3 easy steps:
1 – remove the lending card from the BOOK or CD-rom
2 – write your information on the card (inside the box).
3 – place the card in the accordion folder in the cabinet

We ask that you borrow the item for one month at a time. Should you need more time,
that is totally fine, but we do ask that you indicate this by updating the date
on the lending card so that a volunteer does not call to remind you of your lending timeline…

We truly hope this endeavour helps and encourages you on your spiritual journey!

SPC BOOKs (numerically)SPC BOOKs (alphabetic-title)
SPC CDsSPC CDs (alphabetic-author)